Better Together

Better Together is a searchable database that allows childhood and adolescent cancer survivors and their parents, caregivers, and families across the United States and Canada a way to find support faster with less effort and in a more personalized way than ever.

Origin Story

Carolyn Breinich and Mariah Forster Olson

In the summer of 2019, Mariah Forster Olson and Carolyn Breinich each attended the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer’s (CAC2) Annual Summit in Columbus, Ohio. As first time attendees, neither of them knew what to expect. A fortunate introduction led Mariah, a then 39-year survivor, and Carolyn, a then 26-year survivor, to connect and immediately form a close, special friendship. The two quickly realized that although they survived different types of childhood cancer [Carolyn had acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and Mariah had neuroblastoma] and their diagnosis circumstances differed greatly (Mariah was one-year-old at diagnosis and Carolyn was a teenager), they shared much in common and understood how each other felt being long-term childhood cancer survivors. Since very few nonprofit organizations focused on survivorship existed while they were growing up, neither of them had much access to supportive resources. Finding one another helped overcome some of the loneliness, frustration, and isolation that each had experienced in the years since completing treatment. Mariah and Carolyn wanted to ensure that other survivors and their families would know of and have access to organizations that offered assistance, programs, and services for various survivorship challenges that they missed out on. Because Mariah and Carolyn essentially grew up as survivors fending for themselves, this shared connection led to this incredible project and a lasting, lifelong friendship! They created Better Together: Survivorship Connection (BTSC) as a CAC2 Collaborative Project based on the premise that we really are “better together!”

What is Better Together: Survivorship Connection?

Better Together: Survivorship Connection (BTSC) is a searchable database that allows childhood and adolescent cancer survivors and their parents, caregivers, and families across the United States and Canada a way to find support faster with less effort and in a more personalized way than ever. Users can search the BTSC by specifying the type of support needed, geographic location, diagnosis, and the searcher’s relationship to the survivor. Whether searchers are looking for financial support, information on a variety of issues, experiential opportunities, or just someone to talk to, BTSC is the one-stop place for them to begin their search. At launch, the BTSC database included more than 200 different organizations that address the different challenges of survivorship. BTSC is modeled after the Hope Portal. The searchable services provided categories include:

  • Advocacy and Awareness/Policy
  • Education/Scholarships
  • Employment
  • Financial/Legal
  • Health/Wellness
  • Insurance/Disability
  • Medical Care/Late Effects
  • Support Groups/Psychosocial
  • Wishes/Experience

Better Together: Survivorship Connection will allow childhood cancer survivors and their parents, caregivers, and families, nonprofit organizations, medical professionals, and others assisting this population, to learn about the organizations that are currently available to assist them in their lifelong journey of childhood cancer survivorship.

Who runs Better Together: Survivorship Connection?

Better Together Survivorship Connection debuted in 2024 as the companion site to the Hope Portal within the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer’s Childhood Cancer Hub, providing a way for both families in treatment and those in survivorship to locate the best resources to support their journey.

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200+ resources

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